That's right, I said it!
<-- that right there, my friends, is MY president! Woohoo!
Well, that will basically be the gist of this update... I was saddened to not be in the US for such an occassion, but was watching it all live in the Parliament with my boss, some councillors from his constituency, and a few friends, which was cool in itself.
High points of the inauguration:
1. Obama is the President
2. Cheney in a wheel chair because he hurt his back lifting boxes in the move out of Washington (really, it's almost too good)
2. Aretha Franklin's hat - LOVE it!
3. Bush is back in Texas
4. I was warm while watching
5. Obama's speech was presidential, unlike the crap we've been seeing for the past eight years.
Low Points:
1. John Roberts is an idiot
2. Rick Warren (enough said)
3. People accusing Joseph Lowrey of being a racist afterward
4. No more 'Moments in Great Presidential Speeches' from David Letterman :(
Now for some elaboration...
It was really amazing to watch. I didn't tear up too much, but it was certainly emotional to witness what will (hopefully) be viewed in years to come as a redeeming chapter in the history of the United States. I get goosebumps still when I read or watch the news and see/hear 'President Barack Obama'... it's almost as though it's too good to be true. However, he seems to be off to a rip-roaring start with ordering the suspension of all Guantanamo trials and the prison to close completely within a year. And if he does this within the next week or so I'll be very pleased.
I'll write more about his speech (great!) and Rick Warren (detestable) later but for now this should be long enough!
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