Tuesday, 20 April 2010

A Slight Diversion from the Original Writing Plan...

This video of Rush Limbaugh was recently posted on the facebook page of a person I went to high school with.

I don't make a habit of watching Rush Limbaugh clips because I know that each will engender the same outrage in me and send me into 'reply' mode, which (as is currently the case) usually results in me staying up too late and penning something that is more reactionary than analytical but this time I just couldn't resist.

So, here's my response to Mr Limbaugh:

Dear Rush,

First of all, what kind of a name is that, 'Rush'? I'm not being sarcastic here, I seriously want to know. It's a pretty ridiculous name; sillier than Apple and Peaches but not quite as embarassing as Dweezil and Moon Unit, in my opinion (although I'm no anthroponomist, so what do I know?!).

Anyway, I recently made a discovery although I'm not quite sure how you didn't notice first. You're so full of shit that it's even coming out of your mouth. This seems to have bee going on for some time, but you really might want to do something because it really can't be very pleasant.
In your - uhm - discussion, you actually used the phrase 'Authoritarian mocking control'? Seriously? For future reference, hyperbolic rants do not equal cogent criticism. Also, please look up the definition of authoritarianism (I even provided you with a link for easy access).

Authoritarianism implies a lack of accountability and concentrated power. So by saying that the President is using 'authoritarian mocking control' what you mean is that somehow Barack Obama has managed to subvert both the democratic electoral system and checks and balances that control the power of the executive, which have together successfully managed the United States Government for over 200 years and is now mocking us in order to retain his control? Do you realize how ridiculous that is? I sure hope so.

Also, you act surprised that a politician held a fundraiser and spoke to his base. Is this supposed to be shocking? If that is what you're implying you are either intentionally disingenuous or even more simple than I originally thought.

So, to counter your list to be thankful for, I've created one of my own that roughly parallels yours:
Thank you, Mr. President for assisting two companies that provide a lot of industry in my home state so that they didn't completely tank. This policy, which was started by George Bush, was unfortunate in my opinion; I would have liked to see capitalism run its course, but in the end the jobs of my families and friends (those that are left, anyway) were ultimately more important.

Thank you, Mr President for appointing an Assistant Deputy Secretary for the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools who is well-educated and stands up for the rights of LGBT Americans.
Thank you, Mr President for ensuring that in a time of economic turmoil public services are not going to be cut in such a way that will set back already struggling Americans

Thank you, Mr President for breaking with previous foreign policy be recognizing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and not bowing to the pressure of Israel, whose continued development of settlements threatens the livelihoods of the Palestinians who will subsequently be displaced.

Thank you, Mr President for creating a stimulus package that is beginning to create jobs while the economic crisis engendered by your predecessor continues to wreak havoc.

Thank you, Mr President for being honest with the American people; for having empathy for those struggling while also encouraging patience since the economic problems that have carried over from the crisis are going to take longer than a year and a half to fix.

Thank you, Mr President for your commitment to lowering the deficit by promising to end the war in Iraq, which is the true reason the deficit is so large. And might I implore you to please do not give up on this promise.

Thank you, Mr President for your bravery and persistence in health care reform. The health of the American people should come before the bottom line of insurance companies and I am grateful that the reform reflects this truth on at least a very basic level. I have my criticisms, to be sure, but you have gotten us moving forward and that, to paraphrase Mr Vice-President, is a big fucking deal.

Thank you, Mr President for proposing that Khalid Sheik Mohammad stand trial in New York City, where the resilience of the American people and New Yorkers will be shown front and centre and those responsible for 9-11 will see how truly that mission failed in its ultimate goal.

Thank you, Mr President for helping to repair the housing market, which crashed before you entered office.

And Mr. President I would like to thank you for your perseverance and confidence that our democratic system, through which you were elected, we can make America a better place.

Thank you, Mr President for your steadfast commitment to the convictions and principles that got you elected, which has been demonstrated by your refusal to bowing to the far-right.

Thank you, Mr President for calling out a lie for a lie, even if it makes some people feel disrespected.

Thank you, Mr President for supporting community groups that help the less advantaged and disenfranchised to become politically engaged.

Thank you, Mr President for forging new alliances and being a President that the rest of the world actually likes and wants to work with, and for improving exponentially America's image abroad (and as an ex-pat, really, thank you!)

But most of all, thank you for arousing the Tea Partiers, who are not representative of 'average Americans', are in no way a majority, and demonstrate so perfectly the image of  America that so many of us are working to leave behind. The true colors of the opposition are showing, and it's only making you look good.

And yes, Mr President, I will thank you in November by voting for a Democrat.
So Rush, this may have been a hastily compiled list on my part, but at least you now have evidence there is a contingent of people who are thankful for President Obama and many things that he has accomplished. As you'll notice, I am often thankful for the very actions that you are most critical of. This shows a difference in opinion. Unfortunately for you, people who think like me won the last election - and that is why all of the actions that the President has taken that you so vehemently oppose do not constitute authoritarianism, but democracy at work.


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